Deploy Orbeon Forms in Glassfish
There is no documentation of how to deploy Orbeon to Sun's App Server of Glassfish. I played with glassfish for couple day and here is what I did to deploy Orbeon XForms to GlassFish.
1. Unzip ops.war
2. Open WEB-INF\sun-web.xml, comment out the line with jdbc/db
3. Open WEB-INF\weblogic.xml, comment out the line with jdbc/db
4. Open WEB-INF\resources\apps\doc\pages\intro-install.xml, comment out the line with jdbc/db
5. Update ops.war
6. You need to login as admin of GlassFish, launch the admin console of glassfish, http://localhost:4848
7. Deploy the ops.war file as admin.
Then you are done. You could launch http://localhost:8080/ops. Be patient and wait for a minute for the first time Orbeon launch.
There is no documentation of how to deploy Orbeon to Sun's App Server of Glassfish. I played with glassfish for couple day and here is what I did to deploy Orbeon XForms to GlassFish.
1. Unzip ops.war
2. Open WEB-INF\sun-web.xml, comment out the line with jdbc/db
3. Open WEB-INF\weblogic.xml, comment out the line with jdbc/db
4. Open WEB-INF\resources\apps\doc\pages\intro-install.xml, comment out the line with jdbc/db
5. Update ops.war
6. You need to login as admin of GlassFish, launch the admin console of glassfish, http://localhost:4848
7. Deploy the ops.war file as admin.
Then you are done. You could launch http://localhost:8080/ops. Be patient and wait for a minute for the first time Orbeon launch.